The mission of the Chelsea Collaborative is to empower Chelsea residents to enhance the social and economic health of the community and its people; and to hold institutional decision-makers accountable to the community.
The City of Chelsea has the highest incidence rate of COVID-19 cases in all of Massachusetts. The Chelsea Collaborative is bringing food to families, supporting residents facing evictions, and disseminating critical information about the COVID-19. Read more about our emergency response efforts.
From the New York Times: "Immigrant and renter advocates in cities across the country say they are being inundated with complaints about landlords pressuring tenants to pay rent money. They say landlords use harassment, illegal fees for late payments or repairs or simply change the locks as a way to force out vulnerable renters."
Chelsea's Summer Youth Employment Initiative is proud to offer virtual, paid jobs and training this summer for 200 Chelsea youth. Now more than ever this program is crucial to the well being of our community and our young people. This is a fundamental part of our city's COVID recovery plan. Job offers have been made to 200 Chelsea youth based on a lottery. Congratulations to all youth selected! Click below to view the full list.